
Alphabet Inc. is a multinational conglomerate. It's creation was through a corporate restructuring process of Google, on October 2, 2015. Alphabet Inc. is currently the parent company of Google and former Google services and and subsidiary-companies.

Alphabet Inc.'s current CEO and President are Larry Page and Sergey Brin (respectively), the founding members of Google.

The intention behind the establishment of Alphabet Inc. was to specify Google as an Internet-services business, and to gather Google, as well as the other Google subsidiaries, under one umbrella in the form of a greater business-operating autonomy.

Alphabet Inc. Stock[]

Alphabet Inc. has two ticker symbols: GOOG and GOOGL.

This is the result of a stock split, which is an occurrence in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares.

Stock Information (GOOG/GOOGL)[]


